Expert Witnesses on Vaccines

by admvyfp

Upon occasion, vaccine experts are called to serve as expert witnesses in court cases. Offering testimony in a court of law is different from participating in a scientific debate on the value of vaccines. We have therefore begun collecting resources to help colleagues who may find themselves called upon to offer testimony.

  • Tips for Experts at Antivax Depositions
    Professor Dorit Reiss has compiled a list of tips for individuals who find themselves testifying about the safety and efficacy of vaccines.
  • Common Questions about Vaccines in a Court Setting
    Vaccinate Your Family, in collaboration with Professor Reiss and others, has compiled a list of common questions an expert witness might encounter. We have offered sample response language to help experts understand how legal answers differ from scientific ones.
  • Vaccine Safety References
    The Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has compiled the science around vaccine safety to help experts and clinicians answer concerns.